
  • [토익 영단어_TOEIC] 규칙, 법률 관련 용어 정리
    4.Learning English 2013. 11. 12. 21:52

    [토익 영단어_TOEIC] 규칙, 법률 관련 용어 정리

    단어만 무작정 외우면 어려우니까 문장이랑 같이 자연스레 익혀보실까요? ^^

    Chapter 2. Codes, Rules

    1. 1.Congress decided to abolish taxes on imported fruit

    2. 3.We strive to operate in accordance with local customs.

    3. 5.The director accused his secretary of leaking classified information.

    4. 6.It is difficult to adhere to all the policies.

    5. 9.Professional business attire is required from all presentation participants.

    6. 10.The attorney advised his client to remain silent.

    7. 12.The new legislation will circumscribe the use of animals in product testing.

    8. 14.Employees must comply with the regulations governing computer use.

    9. 15.Employees voiced concerns about safety at the meeting

    10. 16.The suspect was kept in custody for three days.

    11. 21.The company’s owners will be charged with tax fraud.

    12. 24.An infrigement of copyright led to the cancellation of production.

    13. 25.The committee unanimously voted for the new export limitation legislation.

    14. 26.All legitimate business expenses will be reimbursed.

    15. 27.We will pursue litigation against all delinquent.

    16. 28.We will close tomorrow in observance of the national holiday.

    17. 29.Employees circulated a petition to ban smoking in the building.

    18. 33.The government may prosecute journalists for publishing classified information.

    19. 34.Guards should refrain from talking on shift.

    20. burglar !

    21. if I’m not mistaken

    22. You and your husband need a legal counsel.

    23. sentence, please~

    24. Do you shoplift? Crazy !

    25. Do you smuggle? Crazy !

    26. I need  your tesimony

    27. Congratuation! Your last verdict is good !

    28. Because of his drugs abuse, he got a Men-Boong.

    29. convict A to B

    30. plaintiff (defendant)

    범죄는 혼자 저지르기 어렵기 때문에  accompice가 필요하다. 경찰은 alert 하지만, 범인들은 또 잡혀도 amnesty 되면 그만이라 생각해버린다. 범인들은 at the discretion of court 풀려난 동료들의 사례를 알고있기 때문이다. 따라서 이런 잘못된 것을 고치는 bill이 필하다. 모든 경찰들은 야근해야 할 bound가 있는 것은 아니다. 경찰법의 clause에도 없다.

    그러나 분위기가 그들에게 야근하라고 compel 한다. 기본법인 constitution에도 crucial 권리보장이라고 하지만, 경찰들에게 분위기 불복종은  death penalty와 같다.

    '해커스 토익 보카' 도서 정보 더보러 가기 !!

    [토익 영단어_TOEIC] 규칙, 법률 관련 용어 정리



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