4.Learning English
[토익 영단어_TOEIC] 일반 사무 용어 정리(2)4.Learning English 2013. 11. 18. 21:50
[토익 영단어_TOEIC] 일반 사무 용어 정리(2) Chapter 4. Common office job (2)1.Careful planning is essential for accomplishing goals.10.Her assignment was highly confidential. 11.Techworld is in financial trouble, despite claims to the contrary.14.Our Beijing office has established a creditable reputation in China.16.Listening to loud music in the office could be disturbing to coworkers.17.In her new position,..
[토익 영단어_TOEIC] 일반 사무 용어 정리4.Learning English 2013. 11. 13. 23:24
[토익 영단어_TOEIC] 일반 사무 용어 정리 Chapter 3. Common office job2.The traing program acpuaints new employees with company procedures.3.The company owns affiliate in several markets.8.The writer condensed the report into a brief summary.9.The company developed into a global conglomerate.10.The secretary urgently conveyed the message to the director.12.Managers must be skilled in delegating responsibilitie..